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Botox and Dysport

$12 per unit



Juvèderm Ultra XC: $600/ 1mL

Juvèderm Ultra Plus XC: $600/ 1mL

Voluma: $800/ 1mL

Volbella: $600/ 1mL

Vollux: $800/ 1mL

Restylane: $700/ 1mL

Radiesse: $600/ 1mL


$ 500 / vial

3-4 vials per treatment – FDA-approved to destroy fat cells underneath the chin. Kybella is a naturally occurring secondary bile salt called deoxycholic acid. This substance destroys fat cells permanently, but optimal results take up to 3 treatments. Highlight the sharpness of the jaw and the prominence of the chin.


$ 1600 / treatment


Sculptra is made of poly-lactic-acid. Poly-lactic-acid is designed to increase volume over time, by stimulating collagen. If microneedling is the mechanical collagen stimulator, Sculptra is the chemical collagen stimulator. Full facial treatment includes temples, cheeks, nasal labial folds, marionette and back of jawline.


$ 175 / 5ml

Active ingredient: bimatoprost

The first FDA approved lash and brow growth serum. First discovered as a side effect of a Glaucoma medication. Thickens and lengthens lashes and brows. Also darkens graying brows.

Tip: Add a drop to your mascara and/or brow gel.

Allergan’s Latisse Resource Guide

Latisse Package Insert

Botox Adjustments & Add Ons

Jelly Roll.

When smiling, the muscle that encircles the eye pulls up and creates a roll under the eye.

Chin Tox.

Add Botox to the chin muscle to prevent orange peel appearance.

Lip Flip.

Soften the upper lip to prevent it from disappearing when smiling.

Gummy Smile.

Microbotox in the muscles that over pull the lip will lower the upper lip.

Nose Tip.

Add Botox to the upper lip at the base of the nasal tip to lift nasal tip slightly.

Upturn Mouth.

Add Botox to the muscle that pulls down on the corners of the mouth.

Nefertiti Lift.

Add Botox to the muscles along the jaw to prevent downward pull.

Bunny Lines.

A little Botox added to the bridge of the nose prevents the nasal crinkling.